GiftImpact verändert die Art des Verschenkens. Wir bieten eine Plattform, die bedeutsame Verbindungen zwischen Menschen schafft und gleichzeitig Gutes für die Gemeinschaft bewirkt. Unsere sorgfältig ausgewählten Produkte entsprechen unseren Werten von Nachhaltigkeit und Ethik. Begleiten Sie uns auf unserer Mission, das Schenken nachhaltiger und bedeutsamer zu gestalten.

For change on our planet

About Us

GiftImpact is changing the way you give gifts. We provide a platform that creates meaningful connections between people while doing good for the community. Our carefully selected products correspond to our values ​​of sustainability and ethics. Join us on our mission to make giving more sustainable and meaningful.

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Your donations make a real difference


We carefully select our partners and products and ensure that your donations end up exactly where they are needed. We break down our income and expenses as much as possible in order to offer you the highest possible level of transparency from this side too.

Wir geben schenken einen neuen Sinn

We give new meaning


Our mission at GiftImpact is to make gift-giving a meaningful and sustainable act. We connect donors, recipients and charities to create positive impact and make the world a better place.

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Leave a message

Got something on your mind or just want to say hello? :) Feel free to use the contact form below or contact us at!

Contact form


What kind of gifts can I find on GiftImpact?

We offer a variety of gift options specifically requested by charities, including items such as school supplies, medical equipment, and food and shelter for those in need. By choosing a gift through GiftImpact, you can support causes aligned with your values ​​and make a targeted impact in the world.

Can I customize my gift or add a personal touch?

Yes, our platform allows you to add a personalized message or special instructions for the charity when giving a gift. However, please note that some charities may have restrictions on what they can accept.

How does GiftImpact ensure transparency and accountability?

GiftImpact strives to ensure transparency and accountability in all of our transactions. We work directly with charities to ensure all gifts are tracked and delivered to the appropriate charitable organization. In addition, gift givers and recipients get a tracking portal that allows for a transparent and seamless experience for everyone involved.

Can I get a refund if I change my mind about a gift?

We understand that mistakes can happen! If you accidentally bought the wrong gift, please contact us at within 30 minutes of purchase and we will do our best to help you. If you contact us within the timeframe given, we can offer you a refund or help you exchange the gift for the correct item. However, please note that we cannot process refunds or exchanges for gifts that have already been processed and shipped to the charity.

Would you like to work with us?

Are you a charity and interested in working with us?